Maestrías y Diplomados en Estudios del Area (selección)

Master´s of China Studies, Yenching Academy of Peking University (Convocatoria abierta para 2019).
La academía Yenching de la Universidad de Peking abre su convocatoria para la Maestría de Estudios en China para el año académico 2019. Si estas interesado te invitamos a ver el póster anexo al final y dirigirte a la página 

Master of Chinese Economic and Political Affairs (MCEPA) School of Global Policy & Strategy, UC San Diego.

The MCEPA is a new, innovative, two-year, full-time degree program. Students work with UC San Diego’s world-class community of China scholars to investigate in depth the most important issues relating to contemporary China.

This professional degree allows students to combine rigorous professional training with a specialist’s interest in China. Students are trained to use cross-disciplinary tools to dig deeply into the economics and politics of China, as well as to consider its place in the Asia Pacific region and its relationship with the U.S.

The expertise of the core faculty covering economics, management, political science and policy analytics, is supplemented by other UC San Diego scholars who specialize in Chinese politics, society, history and language. The result is academic and professional training that prepares graduates for an array of academic, business, diplomatic and government positions.